Buying Liftgates for Box Trucks: What To Know

5 Box trucks lined up on work site.

Buying Liftgates for Box Trucks: What To Know

There are a wide variety of box truck liftgate applications because of the wide variety of vehicle designs and lifting demands. A few key issues must be addressed before settling on the ideal liftgate.

Looking for a liftgate but not sure where to begin? We look at the various liftgates for box trucks that you may utilize.


Knowing what the liftgate will be lifting is essential to establishing the necessary style, lifting capability, platform size, and other choices. The efficient loading and unloading of cargo from trucking equipment is made possible by the use of advanced hydraulic systems. Consider that other criteria will likely further narrow compatibility, but this is a crucial step in reducing the number of suitable liftgate types for any specific usage.


    To know how much space you'll need for loading, you must consider every possible scenario. For instance, a Railgate's stated load width of 83 inches can be closer to 80 or 81 inches at the platform's back, depending on the self-closing mechanisms and other design features.


    When selecting a box truck with a lift gate, a user's first consideration will be its maximum permissible lifting capability. If the user knows the liftgate will never have to move more than 800 pounds at a time, then they have a greater selection of lifts from which to pick than someone who has to move more than 2000 pounds.


    Lifting equipment that requires wheels or a cart is more likely to benefit from a Cart Stop or Retention Ramp. These features are not always standard on many Railgate and Tuckunder versions, so it is important to ask about when considering your next liftgate.


    Operators in very corrosive locations will want a platform resistant to corrosion. At the same time, those transporting liquids that are easily spilled will benefit from a loading surface made of a material that enables liquid to flow through it.


Many businesses experience a snag when they discover they need to load and unload cargo at both an elevated port and street level. There are various types of liftgates that all work to address this issue. 

  1. Tuckunder lifts, as its name implies, stow away under the truck's bed, so they're out of the way whenever the back of the truck meets a dock. 

  2. Dropping platforms are available on several Railgate types, allowing the platform to be stored out of the way when not in use.

  3. Truck bed heights may fall short of loading dock heights in several cases. This scenario suggests the potential usefulness of the "above bed" feature of the Railgate paradigm.


Likewise, the lift gate for box truck types that work best with a specific vehicle will be determined by the vehicle's specs. Choosing the correct liftgate is crucial based on several parameters, including body width and bed height.


    The height of the truck's bed is also a crucial factor, especially when considering a tuckaway-style gate. To take this measurement, make sure your truck is parked on flat ground and measure from the floor of your box to the ground. One contributing factor is the size of the platform and the

    required bed height range are important to ensure that the platform will be able to stow and

    unstow, along with being able to travel from the back of the truck to the ground correctly

    during use. When determining how far a liftgate's platform may be lifted or lowered, the term

    "travel" is used. It means that the lift gate for the box truck will not work if the height of the

    the vehicle's bed exceeds its maximum or minimum travel.


    Knowing the overall body width is also a vital first step in choosing your lift gate for a box truck

    because most are designed to fit certain body widths.


Texas Hydraulic and Equipment is a company that stands out in the industry because of its expertise in servicing and repairing hydraulic liftgates. Many major organizations in the United States have facilities in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, and Texas Hydraulic has been their go-to liftgate repair shop since 1945.


We're happy to support the success of companies in Dallas, Desoto, and Mesquite, Texas, where we grew up. When your lift gate for box truck stops working correctly, you can rely on us to help you replace it or solve the problem quickly. When you need a liftgate installed or repaired on your box truck, please don't hesitate to give us a call.

Hyrdaulic Pump Troubleshooting

Close up image of a worker in the process of going in to fix a hydraulic pump.


A single malfunctioning liftgate hydraulic pump can stall work for an extended period of time. We know how important it is to know about the gear you rely on, and to keep your business running smoothly, we've compiled this helping guide for hydraulic pump troubleshooting. Though it never hurts to have a backup of essential equipment on hand, it's much more sustainable to be able to fix what's already there – or even to fix the malfunctioning unit after it's been replaced. Either way, you'll need to know how to troubleshoot a liftgate hydraulic pump if yours breaks down right there at a time-sensitive job site.

Are Power Units & Pump and Motor Assemblies Different?

The vast majority of the time, the terms "power unit" and "motor assembly" are used synonymously in equipment manuals. These terms amount to the hydraulic pump found on most liftgates, which is comprised of several key components:

  • Pump

  • Reservoir

  • Motor

  • Valves

  • Solenoid

While many industries increasingly make it more expensive to repair parts than to replace them, we'll cover the most common problems for hydraulic pump troubleshooting to keep your gear operating well without costly new parts.

Air Leaking Into the System?

When air gets into the system, the liftgate pump will operate more slowly, erratically, or not at all. It can also cause foaming oil. These issues point to the nature of the problem, as follows:

  • Inoperable system: The pump suction line could be leaking and should be replaced if tightening its clamps doesn't have any effect.

  • Erratic or slow operation: If an air leak causes this, it will be at the suction side, where the hose must be refitted or replaced.

  • Foaming oil: A leak on the suction side can also bring air into the fuel mixture, damaging the motor. If replacing the suction line doesn't entirely solve this, the component seals likely also need to be replaced.

Water Leaking Into the System?

Water from the reservoir or pump can leak, leaving a visible clue of the most apparent problem. If the seal seems fine, it could be as simple as tightening the parts surrounding the leak. Look to the fluid seal around the piston for more complicated issues, which undergo extreme pressure and temperatures. Like any gasket, it's inevitable that they will fail, given enough time. If there are signs of a deteriorating fluid seal, you'll need to service the pump:

  • Drain the pump, removing it as necessary

  • Remove the piston and the failed seal

  • Replace with a new fluid seal

  • Replace your hydraulic fluid – use a minimally abrasive one for minimizing wear in the future
    Even an unseated seal could indicate the need to replace it because it likely displaced itself for a reason (even if not obvious). It could be warped or bent, and it's probably necessary to replace it.

We also recommend cleaning your filters and regularly checking the hydraulic fluid levels. Most of the time, the seal is the only part needing replacement – but letting hydraulic fluid run dry and/or the filters become dirty can lead to accumulated metal flakes that could destroy more than the seal.

Pump Noise Has Recently Increased?

When the hydraulic pump becomes noticeably louder, the issue could be one or a combination of the following:

  • Oil issues (low oil, incorrect oil, suction hose leak creating foamy oil)

  • A restricted suction line and/or inlet screen must be cleaned or replaced

  • The inlet's pipe fitting may be the incorrect type

Pump Delivering Too Little or No Flow?

Unreliable liftgate operation is most commonly caused by flow issues, especially if it functions intermittently and variably. Aside from apparent leaking – in both the air hoses and hydraulic pump – a worn or dirty pump could be the culprit. If your hydraulic pump is old and well-used, this may be it. While cleaning it, check the valves, cylinders, and surrounding components for signs of excessive wear, especially metal gauges that could indicate a more serious issue.

When to Take The Vehicle To A Professional

If your hydraulic pump troubleshooting efforts turn up internal metal damage or even just many multiple failed parts at the same time, we recommend having the entire unit inspected by a professional. Unfortunately, this could lead to needing to simply replace the entire unit, but not all the time. It could be just a matter of a rare part and not some impossibility of repair, which is especially prevalent as manufacturers constantly change their designs and decide against manufacturing replacement parts. This makes having a trusted hydraulic specialist all the more important so that you can keep your equipment maintained for as long as possible and maintain independence from OEM part obsolescence.

Texas Hydraulic & Equipment – Your Community Hydraulic Pump Experts

Texas Hydraulic & Equipment can help diagnose what’s wrong with your hydraulic pump and repair it for you. Regular maintenance and repair of hydraulic systems are essential for maintaining precise pressure control and consistent flow rates. We're proud to do our part in keeping our local businesses running their best in our hometown Texas communities like Dallas, Desoto, and Mesquite. When your heavily relied-on hydraulic parts become unreliable, you can count on us to help you repair or replace them and even help you troubleshoot hydraulic pump issues on your own. For liftgate hydraulic pump issues, or any pump-and-motor assembly needs, don't hesitate to give us a call at 214-748-7551 or email, or visit us!

Image Credit: Denys Yelmanov/Shutterstock

Liftgates: Operation, Benefits, and Service Explained

Logistics providers transport around 70% of all goods in the United States every year. According to the American Trucking Association, industry revenues reached over $791 billion in 2019. Much of this would not be possible without liftgates, essential pieces of equipment that help workers load and unload cargo.