Liftgate Safety & Operation: Tips and Tricks

Person loading a box truck with the hydraulic liftgate

The hydraulic liftgate on your truck is a valuable piece of equipment. It plays a crucial role in the unloading and loading of cargo, especially in relatively tight areas. Moving heavy items with ramps or manual labor alone can potentially cause injury. However, while a liftgate can be a huge advantage for crews working with your trucks, it is also important that everyone knows how to use a liftgate safely.

Improper operation of a liftgate can cause a variety of issues. Perhaps the most immediately problematic is cargo falling off the liftgate platform and getting damaged or hurting someone. There can also be risks for getting hands, feet and other body parts stuck in the moving elements of the liftgate. Incorrect use can also damage the liftgate itself, causing slowdowns and frustration. Therefore, learning how to safely use your liftgate should be part of the training for everyone using your truck.

Safely Operating the Liftgate on Your Truck

When you want to operate the liftgate on your truck, the most important preparation step is making sure that anyone interacting with the liftgate knows how to use it properly. Many accidents can be avoided simply by only using operators who have been trained on the specific liftgate and who are familiar with the controls.

Proper Loading

Another important part of using a liftgate is to load it correctly. First and foremost, make sure to never exceed the maximum weight limit. While most liftgates can actually handle more weight than is described, this situation can quickly become dangerous. Manufacturers set the weight limits based on how much the pump and mechanics can handle safely. Keep in mind that load limits also assume correct installation and maintenance.

Furthermore, it is important to make sure that the load is properly positioned and secured. The specifics of this depend somewhat on the load and liftgate, but simply following the manufacturer-provided parameters should help. The main goal should be keeping the load centered in the platform load area and stable throughout the lift. Similarly, the vehicle should be positioned in a flat and stable area.

Avoid Injuries

Like other machinery, hydraulic liftgates have the potential to cause serious harm. In particular, pinching and crushing in the moving parts can be dangerous. No one should ride on the liftgate when it is in motion unless absolutely necessary. Additionally, everyone should stay away from the moving parts of the liftgate when it is in use. Typically, it is best to have everyone other than the operator step back when the liftgate is in motion.

Practice Good Maintenance

Predictability is a big part of the safe operation of any mechanism. A poorly maintained liftgate may not always work exactly as expected, potentially leading to damage, injury, or worse. Even in the best-case scenario, the liftgate will simply not function as well and may need to be replaced sooner. All maintenance should be performed by experienced professionals, in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications.

In addition to regular maintenance, users should inspect the liftgate often. Performing a visual inspection for any signs of metal fatigue, loose parts, damaged weld, or other issues can help fix issues before they become serious. It can also avert a major failure that could result in injury/

Lift Gate Safety: Dos and Don’ts

The above suggestions will help you to safely use your liftgate. However, it can often be easiest for team members to simply remember a few simple dos and don’ts:

  • Do stay within the stated load limit.

  • Do distribute weight evenly on the liftgate platform.

  • Do maintain proper fluid levels per the manufacturer’s specifications.

  • Do store the liftgate properly whenever it is not in use (especially when moving the truck).

  • Don’t lift goods that do not properly fit on the liftgate platform.

  • Don’t use the liftgate if there is any visible sign of damage or malfunction.

  • Don’t approach the underside of the liftgate.

  • Don’t attempt to repair the liftgate in the field or by yourself unless you are an experienced liftgate specialist.

Keeping these four “dos” and four “don’ts” in mind will help to keep you and your team members safe when using your liftgate. Additionally, make sure the person operating the liftgate is fully trained with periodic retraining. If all team members remember the basic tips and the operator is properly trained, you can be confident that you will be able to safely use your liftgate.

Instructions for Operating the Liftgate

While every liftgate has specific instructions provided by the manufacturer, the process is fairly similar between all models. The unfolding process is typically the most different depending on the design. The following steps are for a tuckaway gate, a liftgate that folds up and out of the way underneath the truck. Some models, like tailgates and cantilever gates simply fold up against the back of the truck.

  1. Position the Truck: Make sure the truck is on a flat and stable surface with enough room behind it for the liftgate. Remember that you will need some additional space to load your cargo. Engage the parking brake before using the liftgate.

  2. Turn on the Liftgate: With the truck running either in park or neutral (depending on the transmission), turn on the liftgate auxiliary switch, if applicable.

  3. Unhook the Chains: Many liftgates have safety chains of latches that prevent accidental unfolding. Unhook these before using the liftgate.

  4. Lower the Liftgate: Standing to the side of the truck, press the control button to lower the platform. Continue until it touches the ground.

  5. Unfold the Platform: Using the built-in handhold, unfold the flip-over section of the platform. This will only be present in some designs.

  6. Operate the Platform: Once the platform is unfolded, you can operate the liftgate. This should always be done with the cargo securely in place, no one on the platform, and controlling the liftgate from the side of the vehicle by a trained operator.

  7. Raise the Platform: When you are ready to fold the liftgate up again, raise the platform about three inches from the ground.

  8. Fold the Platform: Make sure that any cart stops are stowed correctly. Then, using the built-in handholds, fold the flip-over section. Be careful to avoid trapping any body parts between the two sections of the liftgate. Additionally, never drop the flip-over section; lower it gently instead.

  9. Raise the Liftgate: Using the controls, raise the liftgate until it is positioned in its stowed position under the vehicle.

  10. Hook the Chains: If present, hook the safety chains or latches to the liftgate.

  11. Turn off the Liftgate: In the truck cab, turn off the liftgate auxiliary switch. You can now turn off the truck, move it, or otherwise use the vehicle.

Get Lift Gate Installation and Servicing in Dallas Fort Worth, TX

Learning how to use a liftgate safely is one of the most important parts of having trucks equipped with them. Another important part is getting the correct installation and maintenance. Texas Hydraulic & Equipment, LLC provides hydraulic liftgate services. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you safely use your liftgate through regular maintenance. Click here to see all the services we provide.

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Featured Image: Lawrence Glass/Shutterstock